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This section contains links to helpful resources that were used on a regular basis for this programming.  These resources have been very beneficial in program development and implementation.

This Blackfoot app is produced by the Siksika Nation Old Sun Community College.


"The Siksika (Blackfoot) Nation located in southern Alberta, Canada is elated to announce a “Blackfoot App” to facilitate the learning of Siksika (Blackfoot) phrases organized under 29 theme categories complete with audio, images, quizzes and games. Also included in the app is a cultural section of historical images; a short sign language video; and a variety of songs including: owl dance songs, hand game songs, lullabies and word songs to supplement the phrase categories. This work is a collaboration between the local tribal college, Old Sun Community College and the Siksika Board of Education." 

Weaving ways is intended to be a complimentary guide for educators who are deepening their foundational knowledge and educational approaches to foster reconciliation.


"Stepping Stones is a publication of the Alberta Teachers’ Association Walking Together: Education for Reconciliation and is intended to support certificated teachers on their learning journey to meet the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Foundational Knowledge competency in the Teaching Quality Standard."

Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park is a world renowned cultural, educational and entertainment centre built for the promotion and preservation of the Siksika Nation Peoples’ Language, Culture and Traditions. The BCHP website also contains a variety of information about Blackfoot Culture.

The Glenbow Museum contains an exceptional collection of art and historical objects which represents the people and ideas that have shaped our region. The Niitsitatapiisini-our way of life web link provides the opportunity to learn more about Blackfoot culture and history.

This website contains a variety of resources for speakers, learners and teachers of the Blackfoot language. The project is based at the University of Lethbridge.

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© Two-Eyed Seeing 2021

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