“Powerful Learning leads students towards a deep understanding when they are inspired with a sense of 'awe and wonder', inspired to see and hear others’ perspectives, insights and questions, and make new connections. It occurs when learners are immersed in a culture of thinking and when the development of understanding is the primary goal of learning. This requires a growth mindset and habits of mind such as open-mindedness and persistence, as well as a thinking disposition, including critical and creative thinking.”
The Ik Ka Nutsi Program follows the Golden Hills Powerful Learning Model:
This program focuses on:
Design of authentic, rigorous units of study based upon the Blackfoot curriculum
Integration of strategic instruction (clear learning goals, meaningful assessment pieces, meaningful design tasks, questioning)
Creating engaging learning environments and learning connections (play, discovery, imagination, curiosity, problem solving, participation, critical thinking tasks, virtual component)
Cross-curricular connections (also reinforces the Science, Language Arts, Social, Health, and Physical Education Curriculum)
Authentic tasks- students are engaged in being able to observe, interact, collaborate and create with experts in the community including Siksika Nation (Application of the lessons taught)
Thinking culture- Finding patterns and connections to related concepts (similarities and differences)
Engaging and inclusive physical learning environment (real life situations)
Virtual learning environment-utilizing technology in a meaningful way allows students to connect with others while exposing them to new ideas and experiences
Connecting and contributing- highlighting interconnectedness and relationships (Well-being, connection with Elder, connecting locally/community and globally)
This program creates a deep understanding by:
Learning that involves surface, deep and the transfer of ideas- not just gather knowledge, but apply knowledge
Learning that sticks
Learning that is built on innovation relative to key problems and issues
Learning that engages the world to change the world
Learning that creates citizens of tomorrow today (stewardship, sustainability)