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Alberta Curriculum Connections

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Language Program General Outcomes:


The key components of the Blackfoot language component of the Ik Ka Nusti Park Partnership are congruent with the general outcomes of the Blackfoot Language and Culture Twelve-year Program (Alberta Education, 2010):


1. Application- students will use and apply Blackfoot in various situations at home, in school, and in the community for different purposes.


A-1: to share information (A-1.1: share factual information)

  • identify people, places and things (key vocabulary words in place-based context)

  • Respond to simple, predictable questions (what is this?)

A-3: to get things done (A-3.2: state personal actions)

  • Respond to offers, invitations and instructions

A-4: to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationships (A-4.1: manage personal relationships)

  • Exchange simple greetings and simple social expressions (hello, goodbye)

A-5: to enhance their knowledge of the world (A-5.1: discover and explore, A-5.2: gather and organize information, A-5.3: solve problems, A-5.4: explore perspectives and values)

  • Investigate and identify elements in the immediate environment

  • Make and talk about personal observations

  • Share personal knowledge of a topic

  • Experience meaning through a variety of moral teachings and problem-solving stories

  • Recognize and respect differences in ideas and thoughts

  • Discover relationships and patterns in the environment

  • Ask questions to gain knowledge and clarify understanding

A-6: for imaginative purposes and personal enjoyment (A-6.2: creative aesthetic purposes)

  • Use the language creatively ; e.g., create a picture story with captions (nature journals)


2. Language Competence- students will be effective, competent and comfortable as Blackfoot speakers.

LC-1 : attend to the form of the language (LC-1.1: phonology, LC-1.2: orthography)

  • Pronounce some common words and phrases correctly

  • Write some words and phrases of personal significance

LC-2: interpret and produce oral texts (LC-2.1: listening, LC-2.2: Speaking, LC-2.3: interactive fluency

  • Understand simple spoken words and phrases in guided situations

  • Produce simple spoken sentences in guided situations

  • Engage in simple interactions, using isolated words

  • Engage in simple interactions, using short, isolated phrases

LC-3: interpret and produce written and visual texts (LC-3.1: reading, LC-3.2: writing, LC-3.3: representing)

  • Understand simple written words and phrases in guided situations

  • Produce simple written words and phrases in guided situations

  • Use visuals and other forms of nonverbal communication to express meaning in guided situations


3. Community Memberships- students will live peacefully with Mother Earth, (nature, the environment) others and themselves, guided by the Creator *( the term mother Earth and Creator are discretionary terms; communities may choose alternative terms acceptable to them)

CM-1: Mother Earth/nature/environment (CM-1.1: relationships, CM-1.2: knowledge of the past and present, CM-1.3: practices and products, CM-1.4: past and present perspectives)

  • Experience and explore nature

  • Listen to stories about nature and observe and experience the environment

  • Take care of the environment

  • Participate in activities and experiences that convey knowledge of nature (past and present)

  • Explore a past/present Blackfoot community

  • Explore the practices and products related to the environment of a specific region or community

  • Participate in activities and experiences that reflect past and present Blackfoot perspectives related to the environment

CM-2: Others (CM-2.1: relationships, CM-2.3: practices and products, CM-2.5: diversity)

  • Contribute to and cooperate in activities with others, and practice friendliness

  • Practice consideration and helpfulness towards others

  • Explore Blackfoot community, cultural practices and products

  • Identify and celebrate the unique qualities of others; i.e., meeting the needs of the community by voluntarily fulfilling the roles

CM-3: Themselves (CM-3.2: knowledge of the past and present, CM-3.3:practices and products, CM-3.5: diversity)

  • Share about themselves and their family i.e., traditions, nicknames, practices

  • Observe and participate in Blackfoot cultural experiences, practices and activities

  • Identify and celebrate unique strengths and abilities


4.Strategies- students will know various strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication

S-1: Language Learning (S-1.1: cognitive, metacognitive, social/affective)

  • Use simple cognitive, metacognitive and social/affective strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning

S-2: Language Use (S-2.1: interactive, interpretative, productive)

  • Use simple interactive, interpretive and productive strategies, with guidance, to enhance language use

S-3: Cultural Learning (S-3.1: cognitive, metacognitive, social/affective)

  • Use simple cognitive, metacognitive and social/affective strategies, with guidance, to enhance cultural learning

S-4: General Learning (S-4.1: cognitive, metacognitive, social/affective)

  • Use simple cognitive, metacognitive and social/affective strategies, with guidance, to enhance general learning

Grade 5 and 6 Language Arts, Science, Math, Social Studies,  Health and P.E Alberta Curriculum are also tied into this programming

                                                                   Cross-Curricular Connections in the Alberta Curriculum:

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